The Foreigner Movie Review

Yes, the DVD finally arrived. No, it wasn't worth the wait. Yes, I realize it was only a one week wait.The Foreigner, with Steven Seagal, pits the man against various mercenaries all hired to get a action movies package. Of course, they were all hired by the same people (blog) so.. shouldn't they be on the same page? Oh, and this is the movie of

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Rise of the Planet of the Apes Movie Review

The seventh week of the Summer of the Planet of the Apes, and the final Planet of the Apes film, Rise of the Planet of the Apes from 2011. After the very negative reaction to the 2001 film, plans for sequels were derailed, however a mere 10 years later we were given yet another reboot. Did Rise live up to the legacy, or has all the charm been los

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